List of Cult Movies on Netflix

Last updated: January 1st, 2025

Netflix does not categorise many cult movies for you to watch. But while this does not represent the best cult movies of all time, Netflix does have a good selection of cult movies to stream. In this A-Z we’ll be taking a look at all the cult movies Netflix is currently streaming along with some details including cast, rating, IMDb score and more.

Let’s be clear, we didn’t pick out these movies. Instead, this is how Netflix categorises the movie.


How many cult movies are there on Netflix?

There are 3 cult movies currently on Netflix.

What's the best cult movie on Netflix?

American Psycho is currently the highest rated title on Netflix (according to IMDb) with a score of 7.6/10.

Full List of Cult Movies on Netflix

Cover Title Name Released Rating IMDb

Disclaimer: Data presented is for Netflix US. May not 100% reflect the full Netflix library.